26th January 2010
One of the attractive Broadbill species found in Borneo mostly above 1500m from the sea level. Best place to see this bird is along Crocker Range especially at Tambunan Rafflesia Centre about 1 hour 30 minutes drive from Kota Kinabalu to the South.
Found few pairs in the process of building its nest along the busy road together with Andrew and Neil recently. Other key species seen and heard :
- Mountain Serpent Eagle
- Crimson-headed Partridge
- Red-breasted Partridge
- Kinabalu Leafbird
- Bornean Bulbul
- Whitehead's Spiderhunter
Capture with Nikon Fieldscope ED82, SRB-Griturn adapter and Fujifilm F31D

Hanging cup type-nest

Bornean Bulbul

Ashy Drongo
Happy birding !