2nd Feb 2010
One of the rare vagrant for Borneo with only few records from Brunei and Sabah and was found yesterday by Ck Leong while searching for the probably a Pheasant-tailed Jacana sighted by Roger last Sunday. Luckily the bird was still there when the gang arrived this morning hehehe :)
Size is bigger than the resident Common Moorhen and Black-backed Swamphen and only single bird seen today among the other species such as the Wandering Whistling Duck, Whiskered Tern, Striated Grassbird and Cinnamon Bittern.
Digiscoped with Nikon Fieldscope ED82, FSA-L1 adapter and D300s.

Common Moorhen with Common Coot

My Borneo list has reached 425 species now and I received my Borneo 400 badge from Ck today too :)
Happy birding !
Great find...congrats!
Nice bird. Glad to see there ar eso many digiscoper in sabah, great job Sabah bird group.
Beautiful bird, nicely captured.
Bagus lah, sifu, nice catch!
Not bad the picture quality DSLR and telescope bro.Nice
It seems strange that there is a twitch for Coot when here they are so numerous. Oh the joy of birding across the world.
425, that's great........
Weird to see a Common Coot cause so much excitement though........
425... awesome bro...
Oo..... never knew coots are so big, I always thought they were nearly the same size as moorhens only.... the ones I saw in Auckland dont looked so big..... probably the Australasian birds are slightly smaller or perhaps there is simply no moorhen for me to compare side by side...
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