26th Dec 2009 - 1st January 2010
Some of the pictures taken during my trip to Kinabatangan River and Tabin Wildlife Reserve recently with friend from HK searching for the Bornean Clouded Leopard.
Taken with Nikon D300s with 24-85mm and 70-300mm lens and Nikon Fieldscope ED82, SRB-Griturn adapter and Fujifilm F31D.

Pacific Swallow

Lesser Bronze-Back

View of Tomanggong Hill from the restaurant at Barefoot Lodge, Kinabatangan River while waiting for the White-crowned Hornbill

Morning mist at the river

Cruising along Menanggul River for wildlife

Slender-billed Crow

Black & Red Broadbill
The endangered Proboscis Monkey which is only found in Borneo

A flock of Bushy-crested Hornbill

Unidentified butterfly ? Anyone

Maldin fixing the sport light at Mud Volcano Tower, Tabin while staying for a night waiting for the Bornean Clouded Leopard

Caterpillar from the restaurant
Happy birding folks :)
Sifu, did you get the Clouded Leopard?
Nope sifu hahaha
Nice Swallow pic at least, shame about the leopard. Next time eh?
Hi Jason, When you come to Lahad Datu or Kinabatangan? I like to Join you and explore the area around the river and Sukau
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