17-19th october 2008
some of the shots taken during the waders identification workshop by david bakewell and attended by participants throughout borneo island with the exception from kalimantan.
areas covered during the workshop at lok kawi beach, penampang paddy field, tanjung aru water village and likas mudflat. weather was good during the 3 days workshop and seen some of the uncommon birds for borneo such as common ringed plover, pacific reef-egret (white morph) and several chinese egret.
other birds seen;
areas covered during the workshop at lok kawi beach, penampang paddy field, tanjung aru water village and likas mudflat. weather was good during the 3 days workshop and seen some of the uncommon birds for borneo such as common ringed plover, pacific reef-egret (white morph) and several chinese egret.
other birds seen;
- whiskered tern
- little egret
- great egret
- cattle egret
- little heron
- red-necked stint
- long-toed stint
- wood sandpiper
- common sandpiper
- marsh sandpiper
- black-winged stilt
- great knot
- pacific golden plover
- lesser sand plover
- greater sand plover
- ruddy turnstone
- grey-tailed tattler
- whimbrel
- brahminy kite
- white-bellied fish-eagle
- peregrine falcon
- black-winged kite
- striated grassbird
- collared kingfisher
- black-headed munia
- eurasian tree sparrow
- yellow-vented bulbul
- asian palm-swift
- spotted dove
- zebra dove

thanks to all participants for making this workshop possible, and had a great fun knowing other birders hehehe hope we will meet again in the future and wait for the next workshop !
digiscoped with nikon fieldscope ED82, srb-griturn Mk II adapter and nikon 8400
Waders all look the same anyway...........or they do when I look at them........
I almost regretted having to miss the workshop coz of uncertainty of my annual getting approved. Going to Sdk relief the pain. BB geng BB...Bornean Bristlehead! to my collection
it's ok ba bro got again workshop again next time hehehe
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