6-7th october 2008
stayed at nexus resort for a night to relax after celebrating Eid ul-Fitr with family and friends and did some digiscoping through the balcony overlooking the pretty south china sea. a bit lazy to walk around the resort and mostly common birds seen such as eurasian tree sparrow, spotted dove, asian glossy starling, collared kingfisher and common iora.
bird seen :
- brahminy kite
- collared kingfisher
- yellow-vented bulbul
- spotted dove
- zebra dove
- house swift
- common sandpiper
- white-breasted waterhen
- magpie robin
- olive-backer sunbird
- white-breasted wood-swallow
- pied triller
- striated grassbird
- common iora
- glossy starling
- eurasian tree sparrow
all image was digiscoped with nikon fieldscope ED82, srb-griturn Mk II adapter and fujifilm f31d
happy birding :)
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