12th october 2008
took few hours birding at my favorite patch this afternoon hoping to see and picture the common kestrel which i saw last year with karim and also looking for suitable place to conduct field trip for the coming wader workshop by david bakewell next week from the 17-19th october with few participants from west malaysia, sarawak, brunei and from sabah itself :)
nothing special just the common winter visitor and resident species. light was good so took few pictures without cable release and frankly speaking, my hand shakes a lot !

birds seen today;
digiscoped with nikon fieldscope ED82, srb-griturn Mk II adapter and fujifilm f31d
happy birding !
- purple heron
- cattle egret
- striated grassbird
- long-toed stint
- little ringed plover
- black-headed munia
- white-winged tern
- yellow-vented bulbul
- spotted dove
- marsh sandpiper
- common greenshank
- black-winged stilt
digiscoped with nikon fieldscope ED82, srb-griturn Mk II adapter and fujifilm f31d
happy birding !
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