Birding & Bird Photography Tours In Sabah, Borneo. Click below.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Birding with Sanjee and Asha

9th - 18th September 2023

Sanjee's 3rd visit to Malaysia and the first for Asha on the custom made birding tour around Sabah mainly for the Bornean endemics and other wildlife. Recorded over 180 species of birds despite the bad weathers at places of birding and we got most of the key species such as Bulwer's Pheasant, Whitehead's Broadbill, Wreathed Hornbill and Bornean Bristlehead.

They are currently at Danum Valley with Theo and I was informed, in flight Bornean Ground-Cuckoo flew in front of their vehicle on the way to the Field Centre! What a great day to start!

Images taken throughout the trip below. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Shooting the Crimson-headed Partridge at Mt. Alab

Ron with Asha and Sanjee at Mt. Alab

Mt. Kinabalu

Waiting for the Bulwer's Pheasant at Mt. Trusmadi bird hide

Birding and view of the Crocker Range at Mt. Trusmadi access road

Searching for the rare Everett's Thrush at Mt. Kinabalu early in the morning

Got the endemic Bornean Stubtail on our final morning at Mt. Kinabalu

Watching the Red Langur through the Swarovski Optik BTX95 spotting scope at Sepilok Orang Utan Sanctuary

View of the rainforest at Rainforest Discovery Centre, Sepilok while waiting for the rain to stopped

Birding at Gomantong Cave access road

With Bob the boatman at Kinabatangan River

Birding by boat the the river

Ron halfway to the top of Batu Tulug platform for the Bat Hawk

Shooting the Bat Hawk from the top of the hill at Batu Putih

Crimson-headed Partridge

Red-breasted Partridge

Dayak Blue Flycatcher

Low's Squirrel

White-crowned Shama

Bulwer's Pheasant

Bornean Ashy Drongo

Yellow-breasted Warbler

Bornean Stubtail

Bornean Black Magpie

Red-naped Trogon

Blue-eared Kingfisher

Changeable Hawk-Eagle

Crested Serpent Eagle

Wrinkled Hornbill

Wallace's Hawk-Eagle

Storm's Stork

Rhinoceros Hornbill

Giant Squirrel

Wallace's Hawk-Eagle with its prey

White-crowned Hornbill

Purple Heron

Crested Goshawk

Bat Hawk

Young Silver Langur

River cruise at Menanggul River...

Happy birding!

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