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Thursday, January 6, 2022

Kuala Abai Mudflat, Kota Belud

 4th January 2022

The list continues with a short trip to Kg. Damat, Kuala Abai mudflat and Tempasuk Plains at Kota Belud. At the mudflat, saw 2 globally threatened Chinese Egret and other common winter visitors such as Common Redshank and Greenshank, Lesser and Greater Sand Plover and Sanderling. For Tempasuk, hoping for Ducks but only the resident Wandering Whistling Duck were present but Red-rumped Swallow (rare migrant) and Pale Sand Martin were seen among the plenty Egrets at the paddy field.

414 species to go!

 New species list:

  1. Black-backed Swamphen
  2. Buff-banded Rail
  3. Watercock
  4. Little ringed Plover
  5. Long-toed Stint
  6. Common Snipe
  7. Whiskered Tern
  8. Oriental Darter
  9. Yellow Bittern
  10. Intermediate Egret
  11. Black-winged Kite
  12. Eastern Marsh Harrier
  13. Oriental Reed Warbler
  14. Pale Sand Martin
  15. Red-rumped Swallow
  16. Plaintive Cuckoo
  17. Lesser Sand-Plover
  18. Greater Sand-Plover
  19. Kentish Plover
  20. Great Knot
  21. Red-necked Stint
  22. Sanderling
  23. Common Greenshank
  24. Common Redshank
  25. Chinese Egret
  26. Osprey
  27. Changeable Hawk-Eagle
  28. White-bellied Sea-Eagle
  29. Greater Coucal
  30. Chinese Pond-Heron
  31. Dollarbird
  32. Black-winged Flycatcher-Shrike
  33. Orange-bellied Flowerpecker


Watch a short video of the Egrets and Swallows at Tempasuk


Mt. Kinabalu from Damat


Kuala Abai mudflat with possibility of Nordmann's Greenshank

Tempasuk Plain and got the Watercock here....

Check my birding tours in Sabah:

Happy birding!

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