26th May 2020
On the 3rd day of Hari Raya, during the Conditional Movement Control Ordered, I went to Oliver's place after he posted the uncommon to rare Yellow-vented Flowerpecker feeding at one of the Cherry tree opposite his house. Besides, there were also the residents Wandering Whistling Duck, Cinnamon Bittern in breeding plumage, the super active Violet Cuckoo and other garden birds such as Pied Triller, Yellow-vented Bulbul, Orange-bellied Flowerpecker, Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker, Eastern Crimson Sunbird, Olive-backed Sunbird and also Brown-throated Sunbird. Didn't wait for the Brown Boobok as it was getting late though.
Images taken with Swarovski Optik STX95 + Nikon V1 ~ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

A few Wandering Whistling Duck

With Eugene while waiting for the Slaty-breasted Rail

Dragonfly (Brachydiplax chalybea)

Asian Glossy Starling
Uncommon and seldom seen, this Yellow-vented Flowerpecker resembled a bit like the endemic Whitehead's Spiderhunter on the white breasted with black streaks and yellow coloured vent

Violet Cuckoo

Cinnamon Bittern in breeding plumage

Good to be back on the field again enjoying birds and other wildlife during this difficult time because of the pandemic Covid-19 virus...
Happy birding sand stay safe!
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