Excellent trip with good weather quality of birds seen at Kinabalu National Park and Tambunan Rafflesia Centre during my trip with Y Bird recently led by Ken Tanaka, a member of Borneo 400 Club.
Key species seen:
- Mountain Serpent Eagle
- Malaysian Sand Plover
- Rufous Night Heron
- Brush Cuckoo
- Wreathed Hornbill
- Fruithunter
- Bare-headed Laughingthrush
- White-crowned Forktail
- Whitehead's Spiderhunter
Taken with Nikon D300s + 300mm 2.8 VR II + TC1.4x and Swarovski STX 95 + DCB II + Nikon V1 with 18.5mm lens.

Green Imperial Pigeon feeding at one of the fruiting tree at Prince Philip Park, Tg. Aru Beach yesterday.

My favorite Little Pied Flycatcher at Mt. Kinabalu.

Pale-faced Bulbul, an endemic to Borneo found only around the mountains. A cousin to the commonest Yellow-vented Bulbul found on the garden etc.

They were looking at the Grey-chinned Minivet, Chestnut-crested Yuhina and Black-capped White Eye along the Power Station Road.

A male Fruithunter, rare and endemic species seen yesterday at Tambunan Rafflesia Centre with the female. It provides enough time for good pictures too!
At Lok Kawi Beach, saw 6 Grey-tailed Tattler actively feeding on the crustacean and a bit far, Little Tern. The group saw few Rufous Night Heron at Sembulan area before off to Kg. Nelayan Seafood Restaurant for a sumptuous dinner.
I might be heading to Crocker Range with the gang for a try of the Bornean Frogmouth this weekends.
Happy birding!
This post is Supported by Sandakan Foto
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