4th - 5th July 2013
Spent 2 days at Gaya Island together with participants for the Gaya Island Scientific Expedition organized by Sabah Park, I was assigned to covered from Padang Point to the Tower and Base Camp together with Dr. Maklarin in search for the uncommon Proboscis Monkey.
The walk was good but only very few birds were seen such as Black-naped Monarch, Olive-winged Bulbul with Oriental Pied Hornbill. Then rain started around 5 PM. Planned for Owl, Frogmouth and Nightjar was cancelled because of the rain, so the rest of the evening was filled with watching the Borneo Bird Race 2013 and Big Year videos at the restaurant.
Some of the images capture with Nikon D300s + 300mm 2.8 VR II and Nikon V1 + 18.5mm ~ All Rights Reserved ©

Passing through the mangrove

Dr. Maklarin, one of the expert in Mammals with Sabah Park

Checking the route with Win
My trusted Think Tank Speed Racer waist bag!

Fungus growing on the dead log
The highest point of the island around 400m asl. It took around 4 hours to reached here from Padang Point. Then another hour to get back to the Base Camp.

Watching the Borneo Bird Race with Lance, Eugene and Azami

Lance and Alim

Closing ceremony

Researchers with Sabah Park and other departments

Brown Boobook

White-chested Babbler

Olive-winged Bulbul, numerous at the island

A family of Mangrove Blue Flycatcher near the restaurant taken in the morning.
Other birds seen and heard:
- White-bellied Sea Eagle
- Brahminy Kite
- Crested Serpent Eagle
- Edible Nest Swiftlet
- Black Nest Swiftlet
- Glossy Swiftlet
- Pink-necked Green Pigeon
- Common Iora
- Asian Glossy Starling
- Mangrove Whistler
- White-crowned Shama
- Eurasian Tree Sparrow
Ramadhan is around the corner and I will be concentrating more on nocturnal birds this year. My next trip would be to Tabin Wildlife Reserve with a good friend of mine from Adelaide.
Happy birding!
This post is Supported by Sandakan Foto