14th September 2009
Spent the whole day around paddy fields and beaches at Lok Kawi and Tempasuk, Kota Belud with Chris and Osman trying to complete their Bornean species in order to qualify for Borneo 400 Club initiated by Ck Leong hehehe.
Some interesting migratory birds seen yesterday:
- Asian Dowitcher - My 2nd sighting of this elusive bird.
- Buff-banded Rail - Spotted by Chris after the rain around 1600 hrs. Then saw at least 5 individuals playing hide and seek.
- Watercock - Female seen but no male around.
- Sharp-tailed Sandpiper - My lifer hehehe :p
Other species seen:
- Purple Heron
- Cattle Egret
- Pacific Reef Egret
- Great Egret
- Little Egret
- Javan Pond Heron - Many with post breeding plumage.
- Cinnamon Bittern
- Wandering Whistling Duck
- Black-winged Kite
- Brahminy Kite - With few juvenile around.
- White-breasted Waterhen
- Common Moorhen
- Black-backed Swamphen
- Grey Plover
- Pacific Golden Plover
- Little Ringed Plover
- Malaysian Plover
- Whimbrel
- Grey-tailed Tattler
- Ruddy Turnstone
- Common Greenshank
- Marsh Sandpiper
- Wood Sandpiper - The commonest species during the winter migration.
- Terek Sandpiper
- Common Sandpiper
- Snipe sp.
- Rufous-necked Stint
- Long-toed Stint - Abundant.
- Curlew Sandpiper
- White-headed Stilt
- Black-winged Stilt
- Oriental Pranticole
- Whiskered Tern
- White-winged Tern
- Little Tern
- Pink-necked Green Pigeon
- Rock Pigeon
- Spotted Dove
- Zebra Dove
- Plaintive Cuckoo
- Lesser Coucal
- Common Kingfisher
- Collared Kingfisher
- Barn Swallow
- Pacific Swallow
- Yellow-vented Bulbul
- Yellow-bellied Prinia
- Pied Fantail
- White-breasted Wood Swallow
- Yellow Wagtail -With juvenile around.
- Asian Glossy Starling
- Brown-throated Sunbird
- Olive-backed Sunbird
- Black-headed Munia
- Scaly-breasted Munia
- Dusky Munia
- Eurasian Tree Sparrow

Chris is off to Poring Hot Spring this morning trying his luck for Blue-banded and Bornean Banded Pitta with Hose's Broadbill. He needs 15 more species for the club :)
Happy birding everyone.
Wow! Some great sightings Jason! Any pics of the waders and rails?
Wow...Many unfamiliar species there for me...hehehe. Have to go sawah padi la dis
Hehehe only those pics at my blog digicoped Dave.
Most of the key species was around 50 - 60 metres away.
Wow, from that list we 24 species in common...........
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