27th - 30th August 2009
Latest lifer from my recent trip with Naturetrek led by Hamit from Borneo Eco Tours at Tabin Wildlife Reserve was a Malaysian Honeyguide perched on a Menggaris (Koompassia excelsa) tree with full viewed from different scopes hahaha !
At the same time, the group managed to completes 8 species of Hornbills at the reserve with White-crowned and Helmeted Hornbill seen along the Tomanggong Road and Mud Volcano plus Large green and Thick-billed Green Pigeon as a bonus.
Heard Blue-headed and Banded Pitta but only Black and Crimson Pitta willing to showed itself for a while. On the way back from the Mud Volcano, Red-naped Trogon was seen and photographed.
Another star bird seen was a pair of Blue-banded Kingfisher hehehe. It was found hunting for food along the stream behind the river lodge. Last time when I saw it was in 2008 with Ck during my first trip to Tabin. So good to see it again :)
Some of the pictures during the trip;

The group continued with Osman at Kinabalu National Park for few nights. Wished them luck with the Whitehead's Trio :)
And Tabin Wildlife Reserve continue to impressed me with variety of birds and mammals seen from this trip. Next target bird for the reserve is Bornean Bristlehead. Is it possible ? Yes !
For more info, please visit Tabin Wildlife Reserve website at www.tabinwildlife.com.my
Happy birding.
For more info, please visit Tabin Wildlife Reserve website at www.tabinwildlife.com.my
Happy birding.
just stumble upon your blog and skim through. I think its a nice hobby you guys are doing. I am doing fish-watching myself.
Hehehe thanks buss :)
When I does fish watching on the sea, I always bring my bino and scope too hahaha
nice blog... i have a suggestion... why don't you write the scientific name for the birds at least at genus level
wowww...I wan M'sian Blue Flycatcher & Blue Bandit KF...
Love the frog shots!
Is it not hard work dragging scope/tripod through tropical jungle?!?
Hehehe not really at Tabin coz of the flat terrain. Except at the mountain and Danum valley where I normally used my ED50 :)
It is fun to watch your blog with fantastic photo.Thanks for sharing.I think im a friend of you in facebook.BTW Fantastic photo!!
do visit my blog at altbirder.blogspot.com
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