27th - 30th August 2009
Latest lifer from my recent trip with Naturetrek led by Hamit from Borneo Eco Tours at Tabin Wildlife Reserve was a Malaysian Honeyguide perched on a Menggaris (Koompassia excelsa) tree with full viewed from different scopes hahaha !
At the same time, the group managed to completes 8 species of Hornbills at the reserve with White-crowned and Helmeted Hornbill seen along the Tomanggong Road and Mud Volcano plus Large green and Thick-billed Green Pigeon as a bonus.
Heard Blue-headed and Banded Pitta but only Black and Crimson Pitta willing to showed itself for a while. On the way back from the Mud Volcano, Red-naped Trogon was seen and photographed.
Another star bird seen was a pair of Blue-banded Kingfisher hehehe. It was found hunting for food along the stream behind the river lodge. Last time when I saw it was in 2008 with Ck during my first trip to Tabin. So good to see it again :)
Some of the pictures during the trip;

The group continued with Osman at Kinabalu National Park for few nights. Wished them luck with the Whitehead's Trio :)
And Tabin Wildlife Reserve continue to impressed me with variety of birds and mammals seen from this trip. Next target bird for the reserve is Bornean Bristlehead. Is it possible ? Yes !
For more info, please visit Tabin Wildlife Reserve website at www.tabinwildlife.com.my
Happy birding.
For more info, please visit Tabin Wildlife Reserve website at www.tabinwildlife.com.my
Happy birding.