Birding & Bird Photography Tours In Sabah, Borneo. Click below.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Bornean Bristlehead Mission

28th April - 1st May 2009

Stayed at Sepilok Nature Resort for few days together with John and his wife Carol. John's mission of this trip was for the Bristlehead which proved to be too difficult this time at Sepilok Forest Reserve than usual.

On Tuesday when John arrived, one of the Ranger on duty during the feeding time of the Orang Utan saw 8 Bornean Bristlehead nearby the Platform A in the morning. Earlier before, Gabili saw Giant Pitta trapped among the fallen logs under the walkway !

Spent early morning until evening at Rainforest Discovery Centre and heard it responding to the call once late Wednesday from the Trogon Tower, but could not see the it. Another day passed by without the bird ...

On the very last day this morning, decided to walk along the Bird Trail together with James who accompanied us and luck was on our side when we heard the bird calling from the canopy of Menggaris tree on the way back to the platform.

So we walked as fast as possible to the platform and exactly at 0800 hrs in the morning, saw 3 Bornean Bristlehead with perfect view through my scope after intense search and waiting since last Tuesday. The hard and smart work paid off hahaha :p

It was one of my best trip so far and managed to record new lifer for me, the Rufous-tailed Shama singing nearby the old Bird Tower at Sepilok and total species seen was 99 birds altogether.

John need to complete another 17 families :)

Some of the shot during the trip digiscoped with Nikon Fieldscope ED82, SRB-Griturn adapter and Fujifilm F31D from the Bristlehead and Trogon Tower :)

Female Rufous-collared Kingfisher

5 Slender-billed Crow looking after their nest

Oriental Pied Hornbill

Grey-capped Woodpecker

Crested Serpent Eagle with its meal, Bronze-backed Snake

Red-eyed Bulbul seen daily

Purple-throated Sunbird

Black-headed Bulbul

Dusky Broadbill

Violet Cuckoo quite vocal these time

Green Imperial Pigeon at the same perch every morning

Greater Racket-tailed Drongo

Yellow-eared Spiderhunter

One of the nest of this Black-naped Monarch and has 2 chicks now hehehe and thanks to Alphon

Wild Orang Utan

Rufous-tailed Shama :p

This is John enjoying the view of his dream bird !

I will be off again this Sunday to Kinabatangan River, Tabin Wildlife Reserve and Danum Valley Forest Reserve until the 10th May.

Happy birding folks !


Jordan Sitorus said...

Aduih! great find oh! congrats! hebat...

We are getting closer to the whitehead trogon oso ... I want the male trogon!

Good luck for your next trips!

Jordan Sitorus said...


Unknown said...

The image of the rufous-collared kingfisher is a stunning one, no wonder you made that your banner. Beautiful

Dale Forbes said...

your photos are incredible!

one day I will come visit you in Sabah. Until then, thank you for adding your link to Digiscoping Today.

Happy birding

Stuart Price said...

Amazing kingfisher pic and that Orangutan is great, was it really wild?

Jason Bugay Reyes said...

Hehehe some of them are wild and some are semi wild hehehe :)