Birding & Bird Photography Tours In Sabah, Borneo. Click below.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Portrait Shots Of Rufous Night Heron

24th February 2009

This time, the adult decided to showed itself yesterday after my first visit where I digiscoped the juvenile Rufous Night Heron hehehe :p

Digiscoped with Nikon Fieldscope ED82, SRB-Griturn Mk II adapter and Fujifilm F31D

Rufous Night Heron

While busy taking pictures of the Heron, saw one of the parent feeding a juvenile Yellow-vented Bulbul. Another juvenile Oriental Magpie Robin seen preening itself further in the tree, a bit dark for my camera hahaha :)

Juvenile Yellow-vented Bulbul

Nice place and I will be back again next time for the Black-crowned Night Heron, if it willing to cooperate with me :p

Happy birding everyone !

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Juvenile Rufous Night Heron

20th February 2009

From the tip given from Jordan and wife, I went one of the modern village in the city for the Rufous Night Heron. When I arrived, saw at least 10 adult and juvenile birds roosting together with the Black-crowned Night Heron at one of the tree surrounded by water from a nearby drain. Other birds seen, Oriental Magpie Robin, Yellow-vented Bulbul and Oriental Reed Warbler.

This Heron becoming uncommon now and a small colony also found at Kota Kinabalu Wetland Centre. It is norturnal and feed on fish. Hope the birds remained at the small patch.

Digiscoped with Nikon Fieldscope ED82, SRB-Griturn Mk II adapter and Fujifilm F31D

Juvenile Rufous Night Heron, still long way to go ...

Black-crowned Night Heron

Happy birding my friends :)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Family Of White-Breasted Waterhen

19th February 2009

Few shot of this resident Waterhen together with four chicks at the Wetland Centre hehehe. During my birding years, I've never encountered tame Waterhen before, but at the Centre, they came quite close sometimes except for the chicks :)

Hope the new ones will survive !

Digiscoped with Nikon Fieldscope ED82, SRB-Griturn Mk II adapter and Fujifilm F31D

Happy family

This Rail is found through out Sabah and considered common resident but a bit shy and they used to be hunt during the WWII by the locals to survived during the Japanese Occupation because food was scare that time.

Happy birding !

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Best Of Rock Pigeon !

17th February 2009

We are well aware of this commonest bird found in most cities through out the country but I couldn't stop my finger from pressing the camera's shutter button when I saw one resting on the lawn not far from where i was standing hahaha.

Presenting the faces of Rock Pigeon ! Captured at Kota Kinabalu Wetland Centre :p

Digiscoped with Nikon Fieldscope ED82, SRB-Griturn Mk II adapter and Fujifilm F31D

Rock Pigeon

Happy birding !

Monday, February 16, 2009

Barbets Of Bornean Species Completed !

16th February 2009

At last, seen and digiscoped my lifer Red-crowned Barbet today and completed all 9 species of Barbet found in Borneo :p

Digiscoped with Nikon Fieldscope ED82, SRB-Griturn Mk II adapter and Fujifilm F31D

Red-crowned Barbet

Oriental White Eye

Banded Woodpecker

Banded Broadbill

Happy birding !

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Giant Squirrel Of Borneo

14th February 2009

Rain came earlier than usual today at Sugud and very few birds seen in flight and feeding at one of the fruiting tree. Besides bird, Prevost's and Giant Squirrel were also seen sharing the fruits and this enabled me and Karim to took few shots of it.

There are four subspecies of Giant Squirrel found in Borneo and for Sabah, it is the Ratufa affinis sandakanensis which is widespread from lowland up to montane forest at the elevation of 1800m asl for Mt. Kinabalu. Nocturnal species and feeds on fruits with leaves.

Giant Squirrel at Sugud

Happy birding everyone :)

Friday, February 13, 2009

Singer Of The Rainforest

12th February 2009

Birding with Andy again at Kinabalu National Park early in the morning then drove to Poring Sub-station after breakfast. Missed the Everett's Thrush but got an excellent view of Mountain Scops Owl, new lifer for me hahaha.

At Poring, Red-throated Barbet finally perched in the open and Andy managed to see its throat giving out loud call trough the scope and his dream bird was the Black and Yellow Broadbill and saw it before we left Poring back to the resort.

What a good day !

Some of the shots :p

Digiscoped from Nikon Fieldscope ED82, SRB-Griturn Mk II adapter and Fujifilm F31D

Bornean subspecies of Crested Jay

White-crowned Shama - Best singer of the rainforest :)

Have a nice day :o

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Obliging Drongo Cuckoo

10th February 2009

Heard this bird calling from a distance but it came only after an hour later in respond to my ipod :)

According from John Mckinnon's Field Guide To The Birds Of Borneo, Sumatera, Java And Bali, we have resident and migrant species and from my observations of this bird, I could hear it only during the migration season around September to April every year, so I assume this bird to be the winter visitor to Sabah.

Digiscoped with Nikon Fieldscope ED82, SRB-Griturn Mk II adapter and Fujifilm F31D

Drongo Cuckoo

Grey-rumped Treeswift

Flower sp.

Happy birding to all my readers :)

Monday, February 9, 2009

My Long-tailed Broadbill Hahaha :p

9th February 2009

Drove early this morning with Andy from York, England to Tambunan Rafflesia Centre for Bornean endemics such as Mountain and Bornean Barbet (Heard only ...), but had a good view of Cinereus and Bornean Bulbul with Bornean Leafbird.

Besra and Blyth's Hawk Eagle was a bonus for today's trip.

And one particular star bird seen was this !

Long-tailed Broadbill

Hahaha my first picture of this uncommon bird in Borneo and my last sighting of this species was last year together with the Gang, but it was only brief. Shot taken with my lovely Sony Ericsson K660i cellphone hand held to the scope hehehe :p

After breakfast, saw another pair at the beginning of the trail :)

Digiscoped with Nikon Fieldscope ED82, SRB-Griturn Mk II adapter and Fujifilm F31D

Bornean Swiftlet, recent split from Cave Swiftlet digiscoped at Gunung Alab Restaurant

Happy birding !

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Other Wildlife at Sugud Forest Reserve

4th February 2009

Other than birds, we found variety of animals around the Reserve such as Giant and Pygmy Squirrel, Tree Nymph Butterfly and evidence of Civet cat.

Not much birds yesterday except for Wrinkled Hornbill, Large Woodshrike and Crimson-winged Woodpecker.

Digiscoped with Nikon Fieldscope ED82, SRB-Griturn Mk II adapter and Fujifilm F31D

New member to the patch, John Prudente hehehe :p

Green Vine Snake

Flying Lizard sp.

Butterfly sp.

Happy birding !

Monday, February 2, 2009

Scarlet Minivet

1st - 2nd February 2009

Some of the pictures taken at Sugud Forest Reserve with friends and my first lifer for this year was the Grey-bellied Bulbul spotted feeding at fruiting tree this morning hahaha :p

Digiscoped with Nikon Fieldscope ED82, SRB-Griturn Mk II adapter and Fujifim F31D

Greater Green Leafbird female

Black and Yellow Broadbill seen gathering materials for nesting

Me and Karim :p


Karim searching for the Blue-eared Barbet

Blue and White Flycatcher

Verditer Flycatcher

Scarlet Minivet

Dark-sided Flycatcher

White-fronted Falconet

Gold-whiskered Barbet

Rufous Woodpecker

Buff-rumped Woodpecker

Amazing place and has at least 60 over species of birds seen so far since last Sunday until today.

Happy birding !