25th January 2008
Early start with Joe, Zaiton, Karim and Ben birding at Sugud Forest Reserve and saw many birds such as Streaked Bulbul, Yellow-eared Spiderhunter and Velvet-fronted Nuthatch. Andrew came a bit later after Karim managed to photographed his lifer, Narcsissus Flycatcher hahaha :)
Some of the shots today :)

Birds seen and heard today:

- Crested Serpent Eagle
- Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot
- Grey-rumped Treeswift
- Diard's Trogon (heard)
- Gold-whiskered Barbet
- Red-throated Barbet (heard)
- Yellow-crowned Barbet (heard)
- Blue-eared Barbet (heard)
- Black and Yellow Broadbill
- Black-winged Flycatcher Shrike
- Fiery Minivet
- Lesser Green Leafbird
- Streaked Bulbul
- Red-eyed Bulbul
- Spectacled Bulbul
- Buff-vented Bulbul
- Velvet-fronted Nuthatch
- White-bellied Epornis
- White-crowned Shama
- Artic Warbler
- Ashy Tailorbird
- Dark-sided Flycatcher
- Narcsissus Flycatcher
- Yellow-eared Spiderhunter
- Little Spiderhunter
- Orange-bellied Flowerpecker
- Oriental White Eye

Good birding today and I'm planning to go back for Dark-sided and Narcsissus Flycatcher pictures !
Happy digiscoping !
Fulamak... Menyesal tidak ikut. Seet!
One of the greatest trips! Awesome birds...thanks for sharing!
Yeah hahaha our own forest in the city :)
hehehe....yabah siok bah...biar pun sia inda cukup tidur...nampak juga...banded kingfisher..nofuluk!! wakaka...
Some great photos there!
Lots of Narcissus Flycatcher in Hokkaido in summer....but no bee-eaters....or Banded Kingfishers.....
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