23rd November 2008
Met with CK, Thomas and Karim at the eclipse Garganey site this morning and spent few hours observing the ducks and other birds, at the some time managed to get few digiscoped pictures of the eclipse Garganey which turn out to be my lifer, Northern Shoveler female !!!
Check my posting yesterday.
The shots below taken this morning for comparison between the eclipse Garganey and Northern Shoveler.
Digiscoped with Nikon Fieldscope ED82, SRB-Griturn Mk II adapter and Fujifilm F31d

Check this Northern Shoveler at OBI by Niraj Kumar from India click here
After checking few guidebooks at home and with the help from CK and Karim, all agreed it is female Northern Shoveler which is much bigger than the eclipse Garganey and it has spatulate bill, totally different from the former.
Reference used:
- Field Guide To The Birds OF Borneo, Java, Sumatera And Bali by Mckinnon
- A Field Guide To The Waterbirds Of Asia by Wild Bird Society Of Japan
- Bird Guide - The Most Complete Field Guide To The Birds OF Britain And Europe
- Birds Of South East Asia by Craig Robson
- Online Oriental Bird Images Database
Other birds seen this morning :
- Oriental Darter
- Purple Heron
- Intermediate Egret
- Juvenile Night-Heron
- Yellow Bittern
- Cinnamon Bittern
- Wandering Whistling Duck
- White-breasted Waterhen
- Common Moorhen
- Common Sandpiper
- Spotted Dove
- Zebra Dove
- Asian Koel
- Plaintive Cuckoo
- Stork-billed Kingfisher
- Collared Kingfisher
- Barn Swallow
- Pacific Swallow
- Olive-winged Bulbul
- Yellow-vented Bulbul
- Yellow-bellied Prinia
- Asian Glossy Starling
- Olive-backed sunbird
- Black-headed Munia
- Dusky Munia
- Eurasian Tree Sparrow
Good birding and new lifer wahahah at my small but beautiful patch :p
Thanks to my birding buddies, Ck, Thomas and Karim hehehe
Good Show! We want ducks, more ducks!
wahaha :)
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