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Saturday, July 26, 2008

in search of the wandering tattler

17th july 2008

my friend karim sighted a pair of probably wandering tattler few days ago and we went to tanjung aru on the next day during low tide around 3.00 in the afternoon to try our luck.

when i arrived, there were few peoples looking for bivalves, shells and other stuffs and only few waders such as common sandpiper, pacific reef egret and unidentified tern (quite far even with the scope).

and no wandering tattler and these bird is not recorded in borneo except for the common visitor; grey-tailed tattler. but who knows it might arrives on the shore this coming migration season :p

hehehe just wondering ...

late in the afternoon

great egret in breeding plumage

digiscoped with nikon fieldscope ED82, srb-griturn Mk II adapter and fujifilm f31d and sony ericsson k660i

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