28th dec 2007
while browsing at one of local photographer blog last night, i stumbled upon one picture that really opened my eyes wide !
he got the lesser adjutant at likas wetland centre yesterday hahaha as few of my friends was chasing this bird at the same place last week hoping to get good pictures, but unfortunately not very lucky that day.
so birded at the centre this morning and while waiting at the hide for the lesser adjutant to appeared, saw another lifer, grey-faced buzzard flying very low and then perched on a bare tree without leaves. quite far even with my 30x eyepiece so i took few pictures of the buzzard that lasted for half and hour before it flew off again.
he got the lesser adjutant at likas wetland centre yesterday hahaha as few of my friends was chasing this bird at the same place last week hoping to get good pictures, but unfortunately not very lucky that day.
so birded at the centre this morning and while waiting at the hide for the lesser adjutant to appeared, saw another lifer, grey-faced buzzard flying very low and then perched on a bare tree without leaves. quite far even with my 30x eyepiece so i took few pictures of the buzzard that lasted for half and hour before it flew off again.

wrapped up in the afternoon hopefully would be able to see the adjutant next week after my tours ...
digiscoped with nikon ED82, srb-griturn adapter and fujifilm f31d
Wow, you got trophy afterall! congratz geng.
Oh, btw...amazing gear all you guys have!!! mouth watering stuff...hahaha..Salute!
very good blog congratulations
regard from Catalonia Spain
thank you
nice blog with nice pics.. keep up the good work..!!!
نحن في eكويت نعلم أن نقل الأثاث والعفش المنزلي من الأمور التي تقلق صاحب المنزل الذي يمكنة الإعتماد على خدمتنا في نقل الأثاث بطريقة فعالة وبجودة عالية وبأسعار منافسة وبعملية خالية من أي أضرار أو تلف للأثاث المنقول من خلال :
عمالة فنية متخصصة
سيارات مجهزة للنقل ونظيفة.
توفير خدمات إضافية مساندة ( تغليف – فك – تركيب )
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