23-26th February 2018
Jim was with me in 2013 for the montane endemics at Kinabalu. After a few years, he decided to try the lowland specialty such as Pitta and Bristlehead. Stayed for a few days at Kawag Danum Rainforest Lodge, it was a bit quiet than usual. Managed to get 2 Pitta and Trogon with other species too.
Highlights were:
- Bornean Banded Pitta
- Black and Crimson Pitta
- Large Frogmouth
- Orange-breasted Trogon
- Speckled Piculet
View of the tropical rainforest in the morning at Danum Valley Field Centre
My favourite Whiskered Treeswift!
Donny were waiting for the Black & Crimson Pitta along the access road at Kawag
Danum River at Field Centre
Birding around the lodge
Morning view of the tropical rainforest from Global Atmosphere Watch Tower, Danum Valley Field Centre
Jim will be back next time with his wife for the Bornean Bristlehead and Bornean Ground-Cuckoo!
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