Birding & Bird Photography Tours In Sabah, Borneo. Click below.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Tourism Malaysia Wildlife Photography Workshop

21 - 26th January 2016

3 officers were sent to Kinabatangan for the workshop at Borneo Nature Lodge. This is part of the familiarization trip at the same time to learn how to capture wildlife its natural habitat. During the trip, Orang Utan, Salt Water Crocodile, many Proboscis Monkey and birds were sighted and photographed. Plus in the evening, talks regarding wildlife and suitable gears for shooting were discussed and elaborated for the participants.

Then continued the trip to Tawau district about 5 hours drive from Sandakan for my lifers of the Sunda Teal and Sulawesi Myna at Tinagat Beach!

Images taken with Nikon D3s + 300mm 2.8 VR II and Swarovski STX95 + Nikon V1. All Rights Reserved

Sunset at Kinabatangan River...

Lance on Wildlife Photography

Shooting the Oriental Darter in the morning

Wallace's Hawk-Eagle at Gomantong Cave

Gomantong Cave producing black nests by Black-Nest Swiftlet

Jumping Proboscis Monkey

Endemic to Borneo

Menanggul River, one of the tributaries at Kinabatangan for wildlife


Ducks from North Asia; Garganey, Eurasian Wigeon, Tufted Duck, Northern Pintail and Shoveler plus the resident Wandering Whistling Duck

Sunda Teal (above and here), new record for Sabah discovered by Stanley at Tinagat in 2014. Could be a new resident for Sabah

Sulawesi Myna only found in Tawau

Far Eastern Curlew, common winter visitor in Tinagat Beach. 

With John and Lance

Tinagat Beach, one of the importing wintering birds from North Asia

Waterfall at Madai Cave

Black-winged Kite along the busy Sandakan-Tawau Road


 Happy birding!

This post is Supported by Sandakan Foto

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Asian Waterbirds Census 2016

15 - 16 January 2016

4 groups were assigned on different locations for the official count in Sabah on volunteer basis. Everyone gathered at KK Wetlands office then followed with a short briefing by Tomoko and Eugene on how to count the waterbirds etc. The count started at 9.30 and ended in the afternoon.

On the 16th, we counted more waterbirds at my favorite spot, Tempasuk Plain, Kota Belud with the gang. Notable species were the Black-tailed Godwit and many Black-winged Stilt. Did not see any Pied Avocet unfortunately. But later in the afternoon, someone reported the Pied Avocet were seen along the road of Kota Belud - Kudat before the junction to Rampayan Laut.

Images taken with Swarovski STX 95 + Nikon V1 and Nikon D3s + 300mm 2.8 VR II. All Rights Reserved

Tomoko and Eugene from Korea

Volunteers for the count

Mount Kinabalu from Tengilan village

Black-tailed Godwit

Wood Sandpiper

Long-toed Stint

Black-headed Gull

Black-winged Stilt

Flock consisted of Stilts, Curlews, Stints and Sandpipers with Godwits

Happy birding!

This post is Supported by Sandakan Foto

Thursday, January 14, 2016


One of the resident in Sabah but quite difficult to get it in the open. It sometimes responded to the call made by the male usually late in the afternoon. This one was taken at Tempasuk Plain, Kota Belud on the same day I found the Pied Avocet. It paused for a while allowing me to capture video and images before it walked away to the other side of the plot.

Digiscoped with Swarovski STX95 + Nikon V1 + 18.5mm. All Rights Reserved ©


In non-breeding plumage 

Happy birding!

This post is Supported by Sandakan Foto

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Pied Avocet Again!

9th January 2016

2nd record for Sabah and 3rd record for Borneo, single Pied Avocet was found in 2011 at Mengkabong Wetland, Tuaran that lasted for a week and yesterday while looking for Ducks and Stilts, found this Avocet next on the road at Tempasuk Plain, Kota Belud.

After alerted the gang, drove back home and got a few messages and they found at least 9 Pied Avocet on the same spots near sunset. What a record!

Images taken with Nikon D3s + 300mm 2.8 VR II and Swarovski STX95 + Nikon V1 + 18.5mm. All Rights Reserved ©

With Wood Sandpiper on the foreground


Majestic Kinabalu...

Hope it will last until the end of the migratory season in April. Happy birding!

This post is Supported by Sandakan Foto