16th May 2013
I was looking for the rare Watercock yesterday after the rain. After waited for nearly an hour without any sign or sound from the bird, I decided to test the sharpness of the Swarovski STX 95 coupled with Nikon V1 on TLS APO adapter that has a 30mm built in lens for Digiscoping.
Scanning for useful object, shimmer heat was obvious while looking through the eyepiece. Then a single Spotted Dove perched about 80 metres++ from where I was standing against lovely background.
So I set the scope and camera without cable release in Continuous Shooting mode at 30x and also at 70x. The results below:

ISO 800, 1/640s at 30x = 2430mm ~ No sharpening applied. Raw conversion to Jpeg

ISO 800, 1/250s at 70x = 5670mm ~ No sharpening applied. Raw conversion to Jpeg
It is quite impressive considering the distance and other factors. These is my favorite combo now!
Happy birding.
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