4th - 7th April
Spent 4 days with Ken Tanaka's group from Japan, similar program like last year, a night at Rainforest Discovery Centre, Sepilok then another few nights at Borneo Nature Lodge, Kinabatangan River. The trip ended at Tanjung Aru Beach for the endangered Blue-naped Parrot ...
The highlight of this trip were :
- Bornean Bristlehead - Seen daily
- Bornean Black Magpie - In hunting flocks with Bornean Bristlehead
- Bat Hawk - At Gomantong Cave
- White-crowned Hornbill - A pair at Gomantong Cave
- Rhinoceros Hornbill - Last bird seen in the evening at the river !
- White-fronted Falconet - A pair at Menanggul river
- Great Slaty Woodpecker - Heard and seen at one of the death tree along Menanggul river
- White-bellied Woodpecker - In flight at RDC
- Orang Utan
Digiscoped with Nikon Fieldscope EDG85 via FSA-L2 DSLR Photo Adapter on Nikon D300s
At Kinabatangan River
Oriental Pied Hornbill feeding at one of the tree opposite Borneo Nature Lodge
Storm's Stork is one of the endangered bird in Borneo and one of the last strong hold for this bird is at Kinabatangan River ...
Healthy looking Orang Utan
Rhinoceros Hornbill
Happy birding folks !