13th - 22th Feb 2010
Intensive searched for the Grass Owl in Tuaran and Long-billed Plover at Penampang recently did not produced any satisfying results. The Long-billed Plover was found by Denis at Penampang with CK Leong making this area as one of the hot spot for migratory species comparable with Tempasuk Plain that turned up recently such as:
- Great Bittern
- Common Teal
- Common Kestrel
- Peregrine Falcon
- Long-billed Plover
- Dunlin
- Temminck's Stint
- Buff-banded Rail
- Sand Martin
- Pied Wagtail
- Black Drongo
- Black-collared Starling
Collection of pictures digiscoped with Nikon Fieldscope ED82, FSA-L1 adapter and Nikon D300s at both places

Brahminy Kite

Chinese Egret

Little Ringed Plover

Wood Sandpiper

Long-toed Stint

Straited Grassbird

Olive-backed Sunbird

Yellow-vented Bulbul
Yellow-bellied Prinia

I will be off for few nights at the mountain next week. Happy birding :)