15th December 2009
It was a bit late when I arrived at Penampang paddy field for the Great Bittern yesterday. Denis and Karim with 2 other friends has been there since in the morning. Sky was a bit dark too and decided to check if any Sand Martin around as I have seen this species at Kota Belud and Tuaran district last time.
And yes ! There were a single Sand Martin perched on the electric cable mixing together with the Pacific and Barn Swallow hehehe. No Great Bittern for me but a lifer for the gang :)
Other key species seen here:
- Common Kestrel
- Great Bittern
- Buff-banded Rail
- Slaty-breasted Rail
- Ruddy-breasted Crake
- Watercock
- Dunlin
- Temminck's Stint
- Black Drongo
- Black-collared Starling
Record shots and digiscoped with Nikon Fieldscope ED82, FSA-L1 adapter and D300s.

Penampang paddy field.

Rare winter visitor and only in small number seen in Sabah.

Good comparison between Sand Martin and Barn Swallow and the latter is a common winter visitor arriving in big numbers.

Barn Swallow.

Wood Sandpiper.
As a celebration for the new lifer, I was treated with free lunch hahaha :p and happy birding folks !