1st - 3rd July 2009
Spent few days at this lovely new lodge which begun its operation last year and has been receiving constant visitors to enjoyed the wildlife such as Orang Utan and Proboscis Monkey along the Kinabatangan River and the facilities offered by the lodge itself is superb !
- Internet room plus Wifi (Wifi didn't work well unfortunately, hope they will fix it soon).
- Optional caterpillar shoes and leech socks for visitor chargeable daily RM 15 per person for trekking at oxbow lake.

Aboundant Raptors such as Lesser Fish Eagle, Bat Hawk and Crested Goshawk together with 5 species of Hornbill i.e Rhinoceros and Bushy-crested Hornbill.

Images digiscoped with Nikon Fieldscope ED82, SRB-Griturn Mk II adapter and Fujifilm F31D
The lodge is situated at Bilit village which is around 120 km from Sandakan city on the east coast of Sabah. Daily direct flights from Kota Kinabalu is available and for journey via land, it takes 5 hours drive passing through one of the best landscape scenary in Borneo.
For more info, please visit their website at http://www.tropicalg.com/
Thanks to Chai Cherong Absolute Borneo for the trip and Alven for the laugh hahaha :)
Thanks to Chai Cherong Absolute Borneo for the trip and Alven for the laugh hahaha :)
Sifu, cantik Wrinkled HB, easy to see kah there?
And this Encik Chai is the Boss of Absolute Borneo kah?
Yes almost everyday la can see the WHB because next to the small river is a oil palm plantation.
Hehehe Chai is the boss always send groups to the lodge :)
weiii...how come i dint see all this while i was there...buyuk...
Lovely collection of bird shots, the shot of the blue eared kingfisher is my favorite in this series.
That lodge looks about a million times nicer than the place me and my wife stayed in when we visited Malaysia........
Thanks Thomas and Stu. The lodge is quite new and another new lodge only recently opened about 1km away on the same river. Hehehe future fam trip there :)
I think I saw that blue-eared kingfisher near a fishpound @ my house.
I saw it twice and try to photograph it but every time I took my camera out, he is smart enough to fly away!
I really love the color! very beautiful bird.
hello there! :)
was checking checking through my last year blog post than saw your comment, here I am... visiting you :)
Your work is fun, I would love to join! hahaha
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