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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Grey-streaked Flycatcher

30 March 2009

Busy with work, met with Ben and Karim at Sugud Forest Reserve yesterday morning after sending my brother to the airport.

When I arrived, they were busy shooting a very tame Red-bearded Bee Eater and by the time I've set my kit, the bird was gone ! What the heck ...

But it did returned in the afternoon and only managed to get record shot of this beauty

Hohoho :p

Because of the breeding season at this moment, less birds seen, mostly heard from the distance. Found this Grey-streaked Flycatcher after I missed the Red-bearded Bee Eater earlier.

It might be gone anytime now back to its breeding place ...

Can anyone guess this person ? Find the answer here

I will be off to Tabin Wildlife Reserve this Friday with another birding group from Finland. Hope can see the Clouded Leopard while on night drive after 3 unsuccessful trips at Danum Valley Forest Reserve !

Happy birding everyone :)


Unknown said...

The grey-streaked flycatcher is a rare find and beautiful images.

Wish you good luck for sighting the clouded Leopard my friend...Thomas

Jason Bugay Reyes said...

Hehehe thanks Thomas !

NUN@ said...

hye adik abg john :) huhuhuhu...

Atanasio Fernández García said...

Hello Azahari! This specie of Nyctyornis reminds me to the mediterranean bee-eaters (Merops apiaster), but much more beautiful, incredibly beautiful! What a huge head! The plumage is spectacular. I was impressed by its tail: green above and yellow with a black strip on the bottom, a very curious design. I gather from the image that lives in wooded areas, while here (Merops) are living in open areas where they hunt insects on the fly. Greetings!

The Author said...

You have lots of variable species here.I am happy that a Sabahan cares for the nature.Kalau boleh ikut next trip?

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Joan Stepsen
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