30 March 2009
Busy with work, met with Ben and Karim at Sugud Forest Reserve yesterday morning after sending my brother to the airport.
When I arrived, they were busy shooting a very tame Red-bearded Bee Eater and by the time I've set my kit, the bird was gone ! What the heck ...
But it did returned in the afternoon and only managed to get record shot of this beauty
Hohoho :p
Because of the breeding season at this moment, less birds seen, mostly heard from the distance. Found this Grey-streaked Flycatcher after I missed the Red-bearded Bee Eater earlier.
It might be gone anytime now back to its breeding place ...
Can anyone guess this person ? Find the answer here
Can anyone guess this person ? Find the answer here
I will be off to Tabin Wildlife Reserve this Friday with another birding group from Finland. Hope can see the Clouded Leopard while on night drive after 3 unsuccessful trips at Danum Valley Forest Reserve !
Happy birding everyone :)