24th and 25th may 2008
met with tilan and nabghani (both are photomalaysia.com member) at tanjung aru beach and had a good conversation regarding birding in sabah and sarawak. at the same time tested 3 spotting scopes (nikon ED82 and leica APO 77) to compared with the new kowa 884mm belongs to sinooorita and from other observers eyes, we agreed that kowa is the best with wide FOV of its zoom eyepiece, sharp and brighter than the other two scopes.

then today went to crocker range with sinooorita and chai and his girlfriend to check the nest of besra which chai found few days ago at gunung alab sub-station for crocker range national park and to our surprised, we managed to see and recorded 3 chicks on the nest and at few occasions, the mum came and fed the chicks without bothering us talking their pictures and video recording.
it is a new sub-station judging from the newly built facilities such as hut, small parking space, and building that houses an office for the rangers on duty and accommodation for visitors. temperature is around 20 degree celcius and elevation at 1880m asl.
short recording from my cellphone :)
bird seen and heard along the access road and at gunung emas restaurant:
- whitehead's broadbill (heard)
- bare-headed laughingthrush
- sunda bush warbler
- ashy drongo
- bornean treepie
- oriental cuckoo (heard)
- little cuckoo dove
- blyth's hawk-eagle
- chestnut-crested yuhina
- red-breasted partridge (heard)
- crimson-headed partridge (heard)
- temminck's sunbird
- mountain blackeye
- ochraceous bulbul
- ashy bulbul (bornean race)
- short-tailed magpie
- sunda laughingthrush (heard)
- chestnut-hooded laughingthrush
- black-sided flowerpecker (heard)
i'll be visiting this place again next week to check the progress of the chicks and updating my bird list of this station to see if this place is worth for a day visit combining with rafflesia centre, which is only about 15 minutes drive from the station with my upcoming birding groups.
thanks to sinoorita, chai and cindy for the company hehehe :o
pictures and video digiscoped and videoscoped with nikon fieldscope ED82, srb-griturn Mk II adapter and sony ericsson k660i