3 october 2007
the past few days weather has been unpredictable and brought haze as well. went to one of my favorite beach for waders that can be seen in small number regularly during the migratory season from september-april every year. except some of them came earlier in june hahaha :p
recorded species around lok kawi with the help of friends;
great egret
little egret
chinese egret
pacific reef egret (white and black morph)
ruddy turnstone
great knot
common redshank
terek sandpiper
common sandpiper
curlew sandpiper
greater sand-plover
lesser sand-plover
malaysian plover
kentish plover
grey plover
pacific golden plover
little-ringed plover
common ringed plover
red-necked stint
little tern
white-winged tern
whiskered tern
scope are essential to identified waders as they are sensitive with human's movement especially if we try to get as close as possible to take pictures of the waders. means i need my adapter for my scope and start digiscoping !!!

few waders along the creek catching worms and invertebrates

locals come every weekends looking for shells and bivavles depending on the tide along the beach

sun setting down slowly

fisherman putting nets on the water as tide coming in
i'll come again tomorrow hoping to see the probably wandering tattler saw few days ago :)