22nd March - 2nd April
Attended the Grey-faced Buzzard Conference at Sanchez Mira Municipality with Sabah Birdwatchers Association, Raptorwatch Network Philippines and other NGOs then a week birding trip at Subic Bay, Balanga and Mt. Makiling for the Philippine Falconet, Philippine Scops Owl, Coleto, Luzon Hornbill etc but dipped the Spoon-billed Sandpiper...
eBird species list for the philippines: https://ebird.org/lifelist?time=life&r=PH
Bird images taken with Swarovski Optik. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Shocking when I saw almost full terminal 3 for domestic flights at 3 AM in the morning!
Mel hehehe
Swarovski Optik scopes
Got the Yellow Bunting, Zitting and Golden-headed Cisticola at Laoag paddy fields
At the riverbank for the Oriental Skylark, Philippine Duck and Grey-throated Martin
One of the album from left to right, Jason, Mel, Ron, Richard (local bird guide), Felix and Trix
The softest buffalo meats I have ever tasted!

Brunch while celebrating lifers!
Caps sponsored by Swarovski Optik for the Raptorwatch Network Philippines
Cape Bajeador Lighthouse and got my Philippine Bulbul and Striated Swallow here
San Miguel beer!
Delegates of Raptorwatch Network Philippines with Sanchez Mira Municipality staffs
With the locals for the opening ceremony
Traditional dances
With Dr. Toru, the ARRCN President from Japan
Our delegates from Sabah Borneo
Students from the university
Day 1 of the conference
Alex from Raptorwatch Network Philippines
Bird book from Adri and Trix, thanks a lot!
Mel with #seetheunseen
The 3 Jasons!
Field trips to the Grey-faced Buzzard counting points and everyone loves the Swarovski BTX95 scope!
Chris with the Swarovski Optik ATC56 scope
Town Hall
I like this toilet!
Street of Sanchez Mira
Gifts for the Mayor and staffs of Sanchez Mira
We got lost while looking for the counting point for the Buzzard...
Drinks served for the closing dinner
Grey-faced Buzzard wood craft made by the students at Sanchez Mira
Wind mills
Paoay Lake and got my lifer the Great Cormorant
Vigan City
Another Halo-Halo...
Hotel Emerald at Subic Bay
Philippine Scops Owl
With Adri from Birding Philippines
Morning birding at Subic
Yihua taking pic with the Swarovski BTX95 scope
As usual, morning beer!
View of the rainforest from the hotel
So warm!
With Felix
With the gang for the Northern Sooty-Woodpecker
Waiting for the Great-eared Nightjar
Scanning for the rarest Spoon-billed Sandpiper, but did not see any...
Mt. Makiling seen from Casa del Cielo
With Ron, Mikeli and Ixi at Mt. Makiling
At Trix's house and got another lifer the Philippine Pied-Fantail!
With the gang from Taiwan and the Philippines...
Golden-headed Cisticola
Oriental Skylark
Chestnut-crowned Bee-Eater
Great-eared Nightjar
Chocolate Boobook
Garden Sunbird
Blue-tailed Bee-Eater
Lowland White-Eye
Luzon Hornbill
White-eared Brown Dove
Philippine Bulbul
Red-crested Malkoha