15th july 2008
been visiting likas lagoon for the past few days practicing to get sharper image with my digiscoping kit. the conclusion is, i need carbon fibre tripod either from gitzo, benro or velbon to get more keeper than using my current aluminium tripod from manfrotto due to the vibration from extreme magnification ...
and probably getting new camera like the nikon P5100 which is favorite among digiscopers with 12 mega pixels and custom setting for continuous shots and has built in hotshoe for using flash !
or get the new sony W300 that uses carl-zeiss lens (no colour fringing) and has 13 mega pixels ?
or get the nikon D300 for in flight shot ...
wahahahahaha too many choices but it all depends after my big day end of this month ...
anyone willing to donate ? hahaha :p
some of the shots today :)

collared kingfisher original image

cropped 50%

white-breasted wood-swallow original image

cropped 50%

cinnamon bittern and im happy with this :p
birds seen :
- purple heron
- black-crowned night-heron
- little egret (few in breeding plumage)
- great egret (with 1 in breeding plumage)
- yellow-bellied prinia
- spotted dove
- peaceful dove
- brahminy kite
- asian glossy starling
- emerald dove
- striated grassbird
- pacific swallow
- white-browed crake
- purple swamphen
- common moorhen
- yellow-vented bulbul
- black-headed munia
- osprey
- common iora (heard)
- glossy swiftlet
- pink-necked green pigeon
digiscoped with nikon fieldscope ED82, srb-griturn Mk II adapter and fujifilm f31d
happy digiscoping :)